Terms & Conditions

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Terms & Conditions

Quotation provided will be valid, if approved within fifteen (15) days of submission and the move occurs with in thirty (30) days.

The volume is more than our estimated, will be increase our charges proportionately.

Sheet, cartoon box and other all material is the property of M/S Pradhan Packers And Movers.it should be returned back after unloading on the someday. Any dietitian. Any detention for whatever reasons will be on unauthorized act inviting appropriate actions.

Full payment must be made at the unloading point.

In case of car movement, 15ltr petrol/diesel must available in the car. In case of excess fuel, it will be drained, it there will be any fuel then the same will be drained out time of loading. Drained out for safety purpose. In case of motor bike if there will be fuel I movement.

M/S Pradhan packers will not be held responsible for any delay in delivery due to factors beyond its control like natural calamities, vehicle breakdown, strike, accidents etc.

Once the advance amount paid is not refundable if any cancellation from the client.

Insurance charge @2.5%/1.5% car on actual value of goods if there is no insurance, it is client own risk.

Keep your cash/ jewelry and all important document in your custody/lock.

Caring liquor, gas cylinder, acid of any type of liquids (like ghee tin, oil etc.) is totally prohibited.

Pradhan Packers and Movers possesses the right to make changes and updates to any information contained within this site without prior notice.

All term are governed by applicable low in the city of Kolkata in the state of west Bengal, India. All disputes arising from these terms and condition and activities can subject to Kolkata jurisdiction.

If carrier considered 100% declared value against claim then damaged item shall be packed up by carrier as salvage.

Client must record proper value in the inventory shit, the inventory shit will be treated as a final document in claim settlement if any. The value in packing list can only be considered as final white settling any case.

Fitting work can only be provided within 2 days (if charge have been taken) after delivery, no such facility shall be provided thereafter.

GST amount can only be paid if final repair bill is received.

Fitting In the event of claim coming up for any reason, the payment of compensation will be restricted to the amount equivalent to the value declared by the consignor in the Packing list as per 1 .

consignor must check the declared value of each and every item in packing list at the time of documentation

Fitting The carrier will not be liable to entertain claim of compensation in respect of any item which is not specifically mentioned in the Packing List and its value has been declared at the time of packing of the materials.

A claim for compensation for damages of material of any nature would be considered either for repair or reimbursement towards compensation only after receipt of freight charges in full and receipt of written complaint separately soon after unloading but in any case not later than 3 days of unloading.

The consignor/consignee merely puts his/her signature on "Goods Receiving" Copy showing acknowledgement of goods without giving any remark about the status of the materials, it would be deemed that the transported materials were delivered in o.k./good condition.

The carrier will look into the claim of the consignor/consignee in respect of only those items about which there would be specific damaged remark mentioned in the Proof of Delivery (POD).

No complaint made subsequently or at a later stage will be considered about any additional item having being found damaged or any other type of defect found to have developed or noticed subsequently either after issue of o.k. receipt or after giving remarks about certain material received in damaged condition.

The consignor should indicate the value of his/her all old and used items, in detail at the time of packing in the Packing List after due application of his/her mind and the cosUvalue so declared should be reasonable as far as possible since the declared value alone would be taken into account at the time of deciding the claim for compensation.

Any claim should be intimated and lodged within 72 hours of delivery of the goods. In case of CAR/ Bike, claim should be intimated and lodged within 12 hours.

In case risk coverage is not opted, no claim will be considered at a later stage.

No claim shall be considered if goods already mentioned damaged in inventory sheet

No claim for compensation will be considered for mental agony, mental tension or harassment due to unintentional damage of the material at the destination.

No compensation shall be considered if customer repaired goods without intimate to carrier

The carrier will not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the damages or for any defects noticed in any item, if the consignor/consignee has arranged the unloading and unpacking of the transported material at his/her own.

If goods already packed by customer and not shown the working /OK condition of item then NO CLAIM shall be considered.

No claim shall be considered which caused by oil spill as we have already instructed consignor not to carry such things before packing.

we do not accept to move perishable goods, jewelry, arms and ammunitions, hazardous material like crackers, explosives, chemicals, filled gas cylinder battery acids and inflammable oils; such as diesel, petrol, kerosene, gasoline, narcotics and counter branch items.

All batteries must be drained of their acids by customer and should be empty before loading

No compensation shall be considered in case of LIFT/ SOCIETY or STAIR WALLS spoiled during delivery process.

Although due care would be taken to get the damages rectified/repaired expeditiously yet due to certain unforeseen circumstances, if there is delay in getting the damage repaired, no compensation will be paid for such delay or time gap between the period of damage and its repair.

Although due precaution will be taken to ensure quick transportation and timely delivery of the materials at the destination but due to certain unforeseen circumstances or due to certain natural calamities or due to certain sudden road hazardous taking place in transit causing delay in delivery of the material, in such circumstances, no claim for any compensation will be considered

The carrier will not accept flowerpots (Clay) for transportation and if at all accepted as a good gesture on the request or on being insisted upon by its customer however it won't take guarantee or be liable for its safe delivery at the destination

The Consignor hereby expressly declares that the above particulars furnished by him or his/her agent are correct. No prohibited articles/goods are included and he/she is aware of Terms & Conditions of the carrier

If party covers his/her risk directly, through some Insurance company, and then the transit risk coverage by carrier will end and will not be liable to entertain any compensation claim.


(1) In case of Car/Bike or other articles only exterior damages will be considered, no claim will be paid for any internal or mechanical fault.

(2) Carrier will not be liable for any defect or damage to any internal part of car including Engine, Battery, AC., Audio Player etc. as the carrier is not technically qualified to assess its actual status and functioning while given delivery of the car.

(3) Car is being transported under owner's risk. Consignor should directly take proper Insurance Cover for all types of transit risk and the carrier will not be liable for any damage what so ever including accident etc. Or for whatsoever reason however, carrier will carry out legal formalities like lodging complaint / Panchanama etc. in police station.

(4) Consignor shall pursue his case directly with the insurance company for any claim in case of any unforeseen incident, damages of his/her car or bike.

(5) In case of arising any claim during car transportation, customer must require to lodge claim with his Insurance Company /under writer. APML can only issue a damage certificate if car booked under OWNER RISK.

(6) If transit risk (FOV) has been taken by consignor against CAR and BIKE shifting then liability of any difference and NCB (if any) amount shall be carried out by carrier.

(7) When NCB amount for current year shall be considered .

(8) If new parts need to be replaced in repairing process then depreciation amount shall be considered by carrier.

(10) Internal damage of any car/bike/electronic/electric goods cannot be considered.


(1) AC I fridge gas leakage I refilling shall not be considered by carrier.

(2) Ac pipe amount shall be considered as per declared value. If not packed particularly then no amount shall be considered.

(3) Estimate from authorized service centre shall be accepted by us in case.of arising claim in electronic items but it can't be more than declared value.

(4) In case of any damage of furniture item if it is repairable, the damage would get repaired by the carpenter of the company and no claim for replacement of the damaged furniture/wooden item will be considered.

(5) No claim shall be considered in case of minor scratches in furniture items.

(6) The carrier will not be responsible for payment of any compensation in respect of electronic.articles if not shown in working condition at the time of packing. The carrier will be liable for repair of damaged part to make the same in working condition or the cost of damaged parts will be paid proportionately after computing the value of damaged set's part restricting the declared value of particular item.

(7) Similarly, in case of other items, the amount of compensation will be decided on proportionate basis of the declared value of other items or alternatively the damaged portion will begot repaired.

(8) In case of minor and repairable damages, the client need to initially give a claim letter and quotes for repair estimates from an authorized vendor to process the risk coverage claim.

(9) If single piece has been broken out of a set, the payment will be made proportionately of the value of such set declared at the time of packing and as noted in the packing list computing the cost of single piece and the claim of replacement of complete set will not be considered. However, in case of broken item being in addition to the proportionate cost of broken piece, 15% more could be paid in case of exceptional item only to compensate the loss.

(10) Amount based on extent of damages shall be considered in case of estimate from consignee is not received. All repair estimates shall be received within 5 to 7 working days.

(11) Depreciation amount 10% per year shall be considered for furniture and electronic items on declared value.